Harway Motors 浩偉汽車 浩偉汽車在線,這裡有您追尋的豐田水貨車。慳錢之餘,仲有五年保用,三千蚊全保優惠添。 精明的您,係時候出架新車獎勵一下自己! Office Address 公司地址: 26th floor, 21 Yiu Wa Street, Workingview Commercial Building, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 香港 銅鑼灣 耀華街
H汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠Harway Motors 浩偉汽車

We are pleased to introduce to you our moder furnished studios in the heart of Causewaybay and Wan Cai.All Within minutes walk from the MTR. Cozy Studios Ms Chiu 2910 7997 [email protected] 54-70 Lee

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Situated in the Kowloon retail and commercial hub where you will find yourself within walking distance to glittering shopping malls, restaurants and commercial office area, the hippest lifestyle is n

Lead Time International Limousine Service Company Limited is an expertise in the provision of various kinds of limousine services in both Hong Kong and Guangdong Province of Mainland China. Different
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠力天國際客運服務

We(Re-Borny Jewelry Int'l Co Ltd ) are the manufacturer of stainless steel chains & jewelry and the specialist in CNC stone setting on watch cases. In 1977, Re-Borny Headquarter was established i

汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠香港步伐迅貿易公司

Simpson Marine: In Asia since 1984Simpson Marine is well established in Southeast Asia with offices in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan and China. Overview Simpson Marine was first es

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上門家居長者物理治療 一般病患者接受物理治療及詢問意見。 常見問題: 腦神經科 中風、半身不遂 痛症、 綱球肘、關節炎、肩週炎、腳底筋膜炎、頸及腰背痛等 老人退化 關節損傷、勞損、肌肉萎縮 務求令行動不便的長者可舒適方便地於家中,於任何時間 不需到醫院 或診所, 接受評估和物理治療。患者經治療師 指導後可在家裏進行簡 單運動。 本公司可 協助長者採購醫 護用品及提供家居改善建議,如安 裝扶手等

Vision: - To be the leader in professional golf services industry Mission: - Support and promote golfing in the community - Exceed customers’ expectations by creating unprecedented value - Set

本公司於1990年在香港開設專門處理會籍買賣的公司,專心致力於開拓本港及國內之會籍交易市場。于2001年本公司更於上海開始服務,希望之後更可擴充至北京、大連等中國各地。 有關中國之會籍洽商或問題等,歡迎向本公司查詢。 香港辦事處 Room 1413 Leighton Centre 77 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay Hong Kong 香港 銅羅湾 禮頓道77号 禮頓中

About Everfine Membership Service Ltd Everfine Membership Services Ltd. is a Hong Kong-based regional operation specializing in providing brokerage services for the sale, rental and purchase of golf &

泳森相信,每個人都應該有學習游泳的機會,也許您天生就懂,那就最捧。我們明白,每分每毫也得來不易,買每樣東西時也得左算算右算算,求的,只是物有所值。但是,泳森希望為您做到的不只是物有所值,而是物超所值!我們從美國及澳洲引入全新游泳教學,嶄新互動教室,點止游水咁簡單? 泳森希望透過游泳, 從而改善心肺功能, 睡眠質素, 心理壓力 及 生活習慣等問題。 另外, 本中心特設親子班, 孕婦班, 瘦身班,

美容 / 男士美容日品源

The Croucher Foundation is a private trust set up by the late Noel Croucher, one of the founders of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and a British businessman in Hong Kong for over 70 years. It is a priv
C商業 / 會社、組織及團體Croucher Organistion

景生車行有限公司 (輝記修理汽車) 於70年代創辦, 初期以維修小巴﹑貨車為主。90年代發現的士﹑小巴業, 具有保值及投資潛力。 於是將小巴、的士買賣、代客辦理按揭分期、代理保險、代客管理車輛、維修等業務擴大經營, 將為顧客提供“一條龍”之優質服務。 代你收租 一般買的士小巴的人,大多是自用為多的,而有一部份是屬於投資性質的,有一些人會將一更自己開工的,亦可將車交給我們托
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠景生車行有限公司

悠油畫室 Paint Palette 每節 Art Jam 四小時 畫布尺寸自由選擇,不另收費 每位$200-$250 可包場作私人,生日派對! 請即登入Facebook Fan Page: www.facebook.com/paintpalette ! 銅鑼灣謝斐道530號2樓 2/F, 530 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay 電話:2575 8830 郵箱: info@pa

About Main Focus Founded in 2000, Main Focus serves the market with a broad range of car lighting products. At present we have several major distributors and dealers all over the world. And now we ar
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